A Pretty Good Day

We have trouble getting G to tell us about his day at school.  We start with asking him what he had for lunch.  Since we pack it in the morning, it is a good gage of how the conversation will go.  If he can tell us, we know we can ask one or two more questions and get an idea of what he did that day.  If he says “I cannot tell you that,” or talks about food that was not in his lunchbox, we know to stop asking questions before he gets upset. 

 To help us out, his teacher has started making short notes on an index card for us.  This way we can ask him questions in a narrow range rather than just asking him to tell us about his day.  Today she handed G the card and asked him to give it to me.  He walked over and said, “This is for you, but I want to read it.”  I replied, “Sure, G, go right ahead.”  Another mom smiled indulgently, not realizing that even though he is only 4 1/2, G can actually read very well.  G sits down and begins to read:

“Bead Stringing”


“Lots of Bead Stringing – Making Patterns”

“Snack – Carrots and Graham Crackers”

The mom is now looking on in amazement while G’s teacher and I both swell with pride.  G looks up and says, “I think that sounds like a pretty good day!”

 It certainly does, G.

Published in: on February 21, 2008 at 4:36 am  Leave a Comment  

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